/Responsive Web Design

12. Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph

You can nest links within other text elements.

  Here's a <a target="_blank" href="http://freecodecamp.org"> link to freecodecamp.org</a> for you to follow.

Let's break down the example: Normal text is wrapped in the p element: <p> Here's a ... for you to follow. </p> Next is the anchor element <a> (which requires a closing tag </a>): <a> ... </a> target is an anchor tag attribute that specifies where to open the link and the value "_blank" specifies to open the link in a new tab href is an anchor tag attribute that contains the URL address of the link: <a href="http://freecodecamp.org"> ... </a> The text, "link to freecodecamp.org", within the a element called anchor text, will display a link to click: <a href=" ... ">link to freecodecamp.org</a> The final output of the example will look like this:

Here's a link to freecodecamp.org for you to follow.


Now nest the existing a element within a new p element (just after the existing main element). The new paragraph should have text that says "View more cat photos", where "cat photos" is a link, and the rest of the text is plain text.

Prev: 11. Link to Link to Internal Sections of a Page with Anchor Elements

Next: 13. Make Dead Links Using the Hash Symbol